Get Involved

Youth and Media invites you to get involved in the following ways. Please contact youthandmedia [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu for more information.

Apply to be a Research Assistant:

Throughout the year, Youth and Media team at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society welcomes people from all backgrounds to join us in our research as paid interns/research assistants.

Specific positions will be announced as they become available but you are welcome to show your interest by sending a general application (resume and cover letter explaining your interests) to:

youthandmedia [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu

General Academic Year Intern/Research Assistant Information and Eligibility:

  • The typical wage is $12.75 per hour.
  • Time commitments typically, but do not always, range from 8-12 hours per week.
  • Interns/RAs do not have to be students.
  • Interns/RAs do not have to be affiliated with Harvard University.
  • We are unable to hire Interns/RAs who live and will conduct their work outside of the state of Massachusetts.
  • We do not have the ability to provide authorization to work in the U.S.

Apply to be a Summer Intern:

Each summer The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University swings open the doors of our big yellow house to welcome a group of talented, curious, and energetic full-time interns – Berkterns! – who are passionate about the promise of the Internet and issues related to media and journalism, civic engagement, policy, identity and privacy, education, technology, the developing world, law, and more.

See the Berkman Klein Center website for more information.

Become a Mentor:

Youth and Media Mentors are close friends, collaborators, and trusted voices that bring insight from vantage points in law, communication, journalism, youth development, and social justice work, among other areas, to critically inform the direction of the project. Mentors also advise youth participants about their particular interests. Please see the “Mentors” page to see our current mentors. Interested individuals are invited to reach out to Youth and Media about becoming mentors.

Participate in Youth and Media’s Work:

Youth and Media welcomes local youth to visit to learn more about us and our work.  We invite youth who are interested in video and graphic design or in teaching and outreach to join us and support our work with your talents. We have many opportunities for youth to get involved in content creation and workshops.

Request an Interview or Speaking Engagement:

Members of Youth and Media are available to provide interviews or to speak at your school or conference about our projects.

Become a Sponsor:

Please contact scortesi [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu for more information.

Contact Us

Youth and Media
23 Everett Street, Second Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone +1 (617) 495-7547
Fax +1 (617) 495-7641
Email youthandmedia [at ]cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu



Youth and Media –
Sandra Cortesi –
Urs Gasser –
John Palfrey –
Nathaniel Levy –

Youth and Media @ Berkman –
Youth and Media –
Digital Natives –