Interns 2018

Tanvi Kanchinadam

Originally from New Jersey, Tanvi Kanchinadam is a rising high school senior at Phillips Academy Andover interested in the relationship between Global Health Policy and International Development in the context of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), and the effect these technologies have on disadvantaged communities on a grassroots level. Previous work includes a focus on the correlation between caste and the inequity of healthcare delivery between low and high caste communities in India. Tanvi is also the founder and organizer of TEDxPhillipsAcademyAndover, an annual TEDx conference consisting entirely of student speakers. In the past, the conference has centered around themes such as ‘21st Century Citizenship,’ and ‘Our Generation’s Mission Statement.’ Tanvi is also passionate about government and politics, and she hosts a weekly online radio show ‘Chai Time’ to discuss issues concerning the South Asian diaspora, as well as broader issues at play in the American political thicket. She also engages with the South Asian community as president of the Hindu Student Union at Phillips Academy. Tanvi is a classically trained double-bassist who plays in the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras, as well as the Phillips Academy Chamber and Symphonic Orchestras. Additionally, she occasionally dabbles in Jazz and other forms of contemporary music.

Quinn Robinson

Quinn Robinson is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania studying English and Economics. He is particularly interested in the ways language, labor, and the internet intersect. At Penn, he serves as the Deputy Design Editor of The Daily Pennsylvanian, Under Secretary-General of ILMUNC, and as volunteer tech support for community nonprofits in the West Philly area.

Skyler Sallick

Skyler Sallick is a rising sophomore at Claremont McKenna College looking to major in Philosophy and Public Affairs, with an emphasis on tech policy and ethics. During her first undergraduate year, Skyler pioneered a project with Shared_Studio's Portal Project, as a student initiative aiming to bring Portal technology to Claremont in 2019. A recent graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Skyler spent much of high school as the Founder and Director of the Andover Satellite Editorial Board for the award-winning, global, online magazine, KidSpirit, that explores the ways in which the internet connects youth voices around the world on meaningful topics. Additionally, she had several articles published through the magazine, including one in the Huffington Post entitled The Basic Intricacies of Kindness and Compassion. Through KidSpirit, Skyler spoke on a panel at the 2015 Parliament of World Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah on the importance of youth involvement in change making. She was featured on the Garrison Institute Podcast for her work surrounding youth involvement in discussions around climate change. Additionally, Skyler was a documentary finalist in the All American High School Film Festival. She also serves as a Volunteer Ambassador for Be the Match: City of Hope. Skyler has a passion for exploring the opportunities and challenges technological innovation such as AI and VR/AR can offer education, specifically exploring the ethics and potential policies around technology that affect youth.