Research Briefs: News & News Literacy

The Youth and Media team has collaborated with Chicago-based organizations that encourage and support youth to be active, engaged, news-literate community members. The YaM team found fascinating trends in youth information behavior and identified new opportunities for learning. We challenged existing frameworks for news literacy and developed practical guidance for community-based practitioners.

1) Following the case study on youth interaction with online news, this article analyzes a spectrum of transformations: changing definitions of news, changes in news reading (such as new forms of participation, changing access modalities, and new types of gatekeepers), developments in social media practices, and emerging genres (such as memes).

2) “The Challenges of Defining ‘News Literacy’ ” research brief seeks to stimulate a discussion about approaches to defining, framing, and understanding core concepts such as ‘news’ and ‘news literacy’. The brief draws on our growing body of research into everyday youth behaviors, and identifies key competencies for youth to become empowered, informed, connected citizens.

3) The “Mapping Approaches to News Literacy Curriculum Development: A Navigation Aid” research brief helps build the capacity of our community of practitioners to develop and teach news literacy curricula. We provide a concise summary of approaches to news literacy, current methods of reaching youth through instruction, as well as a roadmap for innovative curriculum design. 

4) The “Youth News Perceptions and Behaviors Online: How Youth Access and Share Information in a Chicago Community Affected by Gang Violence” research brief takes an on-the-ground approach to news readership and examines the everyday information needs of youth living in Chicago. The brief draws upon focus group interviews that raise new questions about how youth online behaviors are affected by community violence.

5) “Evaluation in Context: Reflections on How to Measure Success of Your “WNM” Program” is a thoughtful roadmap for organizations and programs to implement a data-driven evaluation cycle. Written by Youth and Media mentor Justin Reich, with the support of the YaM team, this practice brief encourages nonprofits, as learning organizations, to critically and impartially examine and improve their self-efficacy as they work towards meaningful objectives.

6) “Youth and Online News: Reflections and Perspectives” includes a series of short essays that offer interesting, alternative, exciting, sobering, unusual, out-of-the box perspectives, observations, or reflections at the intersection of news, digital media, and youth – broadly defined.

Other relevant links and materials:


Sandra Cortesi

Chapters in Books

Gasser, U., & Cortesi, S. (2017). Children’s rights and digital technologies: Introduction to the discourse and some meta-observations. In M. D. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali & M. Freeman (Eds.), Handbook of children’s rights: Global and multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 417-436). Routledge.

Plunkett L., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2019). Student privacy and the law in the internet age. In K. Bowman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Education Law. Oxford University Press.

Third, A, Bellerose, D, Keltie, E, Pihl, K, Cortesi, S., & Pawelczyk, K. (2017; [in Turkish]). Çocukların Korunma, Erişim ve Katılımlarının Dengelenmesi: Çocukların Dijital Çağda Haklarına İlişkin G.rüşleri (‘From risk to opportunity: Towards a rights-based approach to understanding children’s digital media practices’). In F. Odabasi (Ed.), Dijital Yaşamda Çocuk (Children and Digital Media) (pp. 65-88). Pegem Akademi.


Edited Books and Volumes

Brossi, L., Cobo, C., Cortesi, S., Doccetti, S., Lombana-Bermudez, A., Remolina, N., Winocur, R., & Zucchetti, A. (Eds.). (2018). Youth, digital transformation, and forms of inclusion in Latin America.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Digitally connected: Global perspectives on youth and digital media.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Youth and online news: Reflections and perspectives.


Articles in Journals

Brossi, L., Valdivia, A., Castillo, A. M., & Nihil Olivera, M., & Cortesi, S. (forthcoming). An exploration of youth practices, skills, agency, and value creation: Reflecting on inequities and participation gaps across Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2015). Youth online and news: A phenomenological view on diversity. International Journal of Communication, 9(2015), 1425-1448.

Cortesi, S., & Hasse, A. (forthcoming). Youth and participatory research: Opportunities and challenges from academia. Journal of Participatory Research Methods.


Online Publications (Peer-Reviewed)

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., Aricak, O. T., Saldaña, M., & Lerner, Z. (2014). Youth perspectives on tech in schools: From mobile devices to restrictions and monitoring. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., & Beaton, M. (2013, October 18). Youth news perceptions and behaviors online: How youth access and share information in a Chicago community affected by gang violence. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard

Cortesi, S., Hasse, A., Lombana-Bermudez, A., Kim, S., & Gasser, U. (2020). Youth and digital citizenship+ (plus): Understanding skills for a digital world. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Cortesi, S., Pawelczyk, K., & DeLoach M. B. (2017). Digital Champions 2016: Empowering young people with disabilities. UNICEF.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M., & Lee, A. (2012). Youth and digital media: From credibility to information quality. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., & Palfrey, J. (2011). The changing role of the individual for privacy: The example of youth online. December 2010 submission to OECD.

Gasser, U., Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Beaton, M. (2013, November 14). Mapping approaches to news literacy curriculum development: a navigation aid. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Gasser, U., Palfrey, J., Cortesi, S., Gerlach, J., Baumann, P. & Tamo, A. (2010). Umfeldmonitoring: Risiken und Gefahren im Internet für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Volksschule. Studie zuhanden des Erziehungs, Kultur- und Umweltschutzdepartements des Kantons Graubünden.

Haduong, P. , Wood, Z., Cortesi, S., Plunkett, L., Ritvo, D., & Gasser, U. (2015). Student privacy: The next frontier – Emerging & future privacy issues in K-12 learning environments. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermudez, A., & Gasser, U. (2019). Youth and artificial intelligence: Where we stand. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermudez, A., & Gasser, U. (2019). Youth and cyberbullying: Another look. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Levy, N., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Crowley, E., Beaton, M., Casey, J. A., & Nolan, C. (2012). Bullying in a networked era: A literature review. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Lombana-Bermudez, A., Cortesi, S., Fieseler, C., Gasser, U., Hasse, A., Newlands, G., & Wu, S. (2020). Youth and the digital economy: Exploring youth practices, motivations, skills, pathways, and value creation. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, October 18). The challenges of defining ‘News Literacy’. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Reich, J., Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., & Gasser, U. (2014, January 14). Evaluation in context: Reflections on how to measure success of your ‘WNM’ program. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Third, A., Cortesi, S., & Pawelczyk, K. (2017). Balancing children’s protection, provision and participation: Downloading children’s views on their rights in the digital age.


Online Reports

Bargas-Avila, J., Cortesi, S., & Opwis, K. (2009). ZeGo – Zufriedenheit im eGovernment 2008. Institut für Psychologie, Basel, Schweiz.

Lenhart, A., Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., & Smith, A. (2013, August 15). Where teens seek privacy advice. Pew Research Center.

Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Lenhart, A., & Duggan, M. (2012, November 20). Parents, teens, and online privacy. Pew Research Center.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., & Smith, A. (2013, May 21). Teens, social media, and privacy. Pew Research Center.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 22). Teens mobile apps privacy. Pew Research Center.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Duggan, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 15). Teens and technology. Pew Research Center.



Ashar, A., & Cortesi, S. (2018, February 22). Why inclusion matters for the future of artificial intelligence. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Medium. artificial-intelligence-2cb9d3b1b92b

Cortesi, S., & Hasse, A. (2018). Youth and social media. Formiche, 96.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2015, October 1). On- or offline? — This is a question only adults are still asking; young people have moved on. Credit Suisse Youth Barometer. archive/articles/news-and-expertise/2015/10/en/on-or-offline-this-is-a-question.html

Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermudez, A., & Hasse, A. (2018, August 2). Sharing learning tools for youth digital life. dd8d6eb56e7a

Kanchinadam, T., Sallick, S., Robinson, Q., Whitby, J., Kim, S., Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., & Lombana- Bermudez, A. (2018, November 2). How youth are reinventing Instagram and why having multiple accounts is trending. instagram-and-why-having-multiple-accounts-is-trending-ac6eb0a288db

Lombana-Bermudez, A., Cortesi, S., Fieseler, C., Gasser, U., Hasse, A., Newlands, G., & Wu, S. (2020, June 29). How youth are contributing to the digital economy and why their participation is more important than ever. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Medium.

Pawelczyk, K., & Cortesi, S. (2016, December 3). What makes a digital champion?. UNICEF.

Third, A, Lala, G, Keltie, E, Pihl, K, Bellerose, D, Moody, L, Theakstone, G, David, L, Cortesi, S., & Pawelczyk, K. (2016). Building a youth-centred global online consultation platform: Reflections on developing the platform. Young and Well CRC, Melbourne.

UNICEF (2015, November). Código de Convivencia Web para familias. Safer Internet Day 2015. Web_CONECTADOSSUR.pdf