Videos By And About The Summer Interns 2011

Hear the Youth and Media summer interns 2011 talk about their background, why they applied to Youth and Media (at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University), and what they worked on over the summer.

Our youngest team members reflect on their time at the Youth and Media Lab, addressing their respective challenges, successes, and lessons learned. They also discuss their time at Berkman Klein more generally.

Get Involved

Youth and Media invites you to get involved in the following ways. Please contact youthandmedia [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu for more information.

Apply to be a Research Assistant:

Throughout the year, Youth and Media team at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society welcomes people from all backgrounds to join us in our research as paid interns/research assistants.

Specific positions will be announced as they become available but you are welcome to show your interest by sending a general application (resume and cover letter explaining your interests) to:

youthandmedia [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu

General Academic Year Intern/Research Assistant Information and Eligibility:

  • The typical wage is $12.75 per hour.
  • Time commitments typically, but do not always, range from 8-12 hours per week.
  • Interns/RAs do not have to be students.
  • Interns/RAs do not have to be affiliated with Harvard University.
  • We are unable to hire Interns/RAs who live and will conduct their work outside of the state of Massachusetts.
  • We do not have the ability to provide authorization to work in the U.S.

Apply to be a Summer Intern:

Each summer The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University swings open the doors of our big yellow house to welcome a group of talented, curious, and energetic full-time interns – Berkterns! – who are passionate about the promise of the Internet and issues related to media and journalism, civic engagement, policy, identity and privacy, education, technology, the developing world, law, and more.

See the Berkman Klein Center website for more information.

Become a Mentor:

Youth and Media Mentors are close friends, collaborators, and trusted voices that bring insight from vantage points in law, communication, journalism, youth development, and social justice work, among other areas, to critically inform the direction of the project. Mentors also advise youth participants about their particular interests. Please see the “Mentors” page to see our current mentors. Interested individuals are invited to reach out to Youth and Media about becoming mentors.

Participate in Youth and Media’s Work:

Youth and Media welcomes local youth to visit to learn more about us and our work.  We invite youth who are interested in video and graphic design or in teaching and outreach to join us and support our work with your talents. We have many opportunities for youth to get involved in content creation and workshops.

Request an Interview or Speaking Engagement:

Members of Youth and Media are available to provide interviews or to speak at your school or conference about our projects.

Become a Sponsor:

Please contact scortesi [at] cyber [dot] law [dot] harvard [dot] edu for more information.

Interns 2011

Hear the Youth and Media summer interns talk about their background, why they applied to Youth and Media (at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University), and what they worked on over the summer.

Our youngest team members reflect on their time at the Youth and Media Lab, addressing their respective challenges, successes, and lessons learned. They also discuss their time at Berkman more generally.


Andy Aeberhard

Andy Aeberhard is a Master’s student at the University of Basel, Switzerland, with a focus on ‘Human-Computer Interaction’ (HCI). He just wrote a Master’s Thesis, “The Development of the ‘Form Usability Scale’ (FUS): Usability and User Satisfaction of Online Forms.” After finishing his Master’s, Andy would like to start his PhD.

At Youth and Media, he will be working on learning more about young peoples’ experience with new media, and on how to create online forms and interfaces that have a high satisfaction rate.

Hannah Deresiewicz

Hannah Deresiewicz is a rising junior at Columbia University where she is studying political science and sociology. Her research interests lie at the intersection of politics and digital media: Hannah is particularly interested in the ways – both positive and negative – that technology affects society, altering traditional processes of community organizing and social revolution. This is Hannah’s second summer at the Berkman Center.

Kassra Homaifar

Kassra Homaifar was born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is a rising sophomore at Grimsley High School and participates in the International Baccalaureate Program. Furthermore, he holds active roles in school, such as Student Council President, Student Human Relations Commission President, Man Up Mentoring Program Student Leader, and more.

He was selected as his high school representative for the HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth) NC East Seminar, a weekend leadership program for rising high school juniors.

Claire Kwong

Claire Kwong is a rising junior at Brown University studying computer science and modern culture and media. She is interested in how youth self-expression on blogs and social networks influences the formation and understanding of identity. She has taught on the intersection of art and new media as a teaching assistant for the Brown courses Digital Art and Open Source Culture. Claire is also a digital artist who uses interactive media to dramatize her personal experience with technology.

Andres Lombana Bermudez

Andres Lombana Bermudez researches, teaches, and practices digital media. He has been a lifelong student of the relationships between technology, youth, politics, and everyday life. His current research focuses in the opportunities that the digital networked environment is opening for social change, civic participation, community building, and learning. He is an advocate and a practitioner of participatory culture and media literacy. At the Berkman Center, he collaborates in the development of the Youth and Media Lab by designing curricula, producing multimedia, and researching. Andres is a second year PhD student in Media Studies at UT-Austin. Previously, he completed a MSc in Comparative Media Studies at MIT, and bachelor’s degrees in Literature and Political Science at Universidad de los Andes, in Bogota, Colombia. More information about Andres can be found at his website.

Joyce Neys

Joyce Neys is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in the Netherlands. Her project, entitled ëEmpowered Citizens ñ How New Media Facilitate Civic Engagementí aims to investigate how and to what extent the production and use of new media by citizens facilitates an enhanced context for civic engagement. Currently she is investigating political remix videos (PRVs).

Next to her PhD Joyce is a lecturer at the International Bachelor for Communication and Media program at the EUR. She teaches introduction courses in Communication Science, research workshops and the introduction course in Statistics.

Before holding this position Joyce was a junior researcher at the University of Amsterdam where she also obtained her (research) Masterís degree in Communication Science as well as her Bachelorís degree. Additionally, she holds a Bachelor in Digital Communication from Hogeschool Utrecht.

Alex O’Dell

Alex O’Dell is a rising senior at the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Alex was a part of one of the founding member companies of the TechArb, a start-up incubator that provides a collaborative environment for students at the University of Michigan. Alex is the founder of TEDxUofM and served as the managing director over the course of two years. He produced and directed a documentary about youth and grassroots innovation in India that will be released online in September 2011.


During a summer at Youth and Media, summer interns will contribute to various research, advocacy, and development initiatives around youth and technology. By understanding young people‘s interactions with digital media, YaM aims to gain project detailed insights — in a highly collaborative way — into youth media practices and digital fluencies, harness the associated opportunities, address challenges, and ultimately shape the evolving regulatory and educational framework in a way that advances the public interest.

Get to know past Youth and Media summer interns:

Interns 2010
Interns 2011
Interns 2012
Interns 2014
Interns 2015

For 2017, we are looking for candidates that:

  1. Have interest and experience in qualitative research methods to assist with analyzing focus group and one-on-one interviews around topics of privacy, the digital economy, and artificial intelligence, youth use of the Internet in developing countries, and new ways of learning,
  2. Master various types of writing (grant writing, memo writing, report writing, newsletter writing, literature review, and so on) and editing,
  3. Are interested in developing curricular material (e.g. modules) and other learning tools (e.g. games), and
  4. Ideally have experience in graphic design, coding, and/or media production.

Apply now! Visit:

See what past Youth and Media summer interns said about their time at Youth and Media here and here.
