[Last updated: May 2020]
Positive/Respectful Behavior: The ability to interact with others (both individuals and the larger collective) online in a respectful, ethical, socially responsible, and empathic manner.
Main publication:
- Youth and Cyberbullying: Another Look
- [Pages 29-31] Presents an overview of research on the role of bystanders — including upstanders — in the context of cyberbullying.
Key learning resources:
These learning resources are available in over 35 languages! To view the translations, for each resource, please scroll down to “All Languages.” Additional languages will be added over time.
To learn about how to navigate our Digital Citizenship+ (Plus) Resource Platform — home to an evolving collection of 100+ educational tools (e.g., learning experiences, visualizations, podcasts) that can be used to learn and teach about youth’s digitally connected lives — please see the following slidedeck, presented at RightsCon Tunis 2019. The presentation also offers helpful tips in terms of adapting the tools to your context.
Other publications:
- Youth and Digital Citizenship+ (Plus): Understanding Skills for a Digital World
- [Page 48] Offers a brief overview of ways youth may be able to approach emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, in ways that take into account the impact of their actions online not only on an individual level, but the broader online community (e.g., taking into account cultural, social, and regional nuances).
- Positive Social Relationships, Mentorship, and Constructive Dialogue: Connected Camps Governance Strategy for “Kid-friendly” Minecraft Servers