
Title Topic Author(s) Year Language
“Children’s rights and digital technologies: Introduction to the discourse and some meta-observations” Child rights Gasser, U, & Cortesi, S. 2017 English
“Balancing children’s protection, provision and participation: Downloading children’s views on their rights in the digital age” Child rights Third, A., Cortesi, S., & K. Pawelczyk 2017 English and Turkish
“Promises and challenges of after-school programs in the digital age” After-school programs, digital equity Lombana-Bermudez, A. 2016 English
“Digitally connected: Global perspectives on youth and digital media” International Perspectives on Youth Online Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.) 2015 English
“Youth online and news: A phenomenological view on diversity” Online News Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. 2015 English
“Youth and online news: Reflections and perspectives” Online News Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.) 2015 English
“Youth perspectives on tech in schools: From mobile devices to restrictions and monitoring” Privacy Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., Aricak, O. T., Saldaña, M., &amp Lerner, Z. 2014 English
“Youth News Perceptions and Behaviors Online: How Youth Access and Share Information in a Chicago Community Affected by Gang Violence” Online News Cortesi S., Haduong P., Gasser U. & Beaton M. 2013 English
“The Challenges of Defining ‘News Literacy’” News Literacy Malik M., Cortesi S., & Gasser U. 2013 English
“Teens and Mobile Apps Privacy” Privacy Madden M., Lenhart A., Cortesi S., & Gasser U. 2013 English
“Teens and Technology 2013” Privacy Madden M., Lenhart A., Duggan M., Cortesi S., & Gasser U. 2013 English
“Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy” Privacy Madden M., Cortesi S., Gasser U., Lenhart A., & Duggan M. 2013 English
“Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice” Privacy Lenhart. A., Madden M., Cortesi S., Gasser U., & Smith A. 2013 English
“How the COPPA, as implemented, is misinterpreted by the public: a research perspective.” General boyd. d., Gasser. U., & Palfrey. J. 2010 English
“Fuelling creativity, access to knowledge and the public domain: Looking at the case of Digital Native. OECD Ministerial Meeting, Stakeholder Forum, Seoul 2008.” General Gasser, U. 2008 English
“Surfen macht schlau. Frankfurter Allgemeine.” General Gasser, U. 2009 German
“Kinder und Jugendliche im Internet. Risiken und Interventionsmöglichkeiten. Mit einem Beitrag zur digitalen Didaktik von Peter Gasser. Bern: hep verlag.” Safety Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., & Gerlach, J. 2012 English
”Information quality, youth, and media: A research update. Youth Media Reporter.” Information Quality Gasser. U., Cortesi. S., Malik. M., & Lee. A. 2010 English
”Youth and digital media: From credibility to information quality. Berkman Center for Internet & Society.” Information Quality Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M., & Lee, A. 2012 English
”Working towards a deeper understanding of digital safety for children and young people in developing nations: An exploratory study by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, in collaboration with UNICEF.” Safety Gasser, U., Maclay, C., & Palfrey, J. 2010 English
”Umfeldmonitoring: Risiken und Gefahren im Internet für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Volksschule. Studie zuhanden des Erziehungs, Kultur- und Umweltschutzdepartements des Kantons Graubünden.” Safety Gasser, U., Palfrey, J., Cortesi, S., Gerlach, J., Baumann, P., & Tamo, A. 2010 German
”Bullying in a Networked Era: A Literature Review. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2012-17. “ Safety Levy, N., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Crowley, E., Beaton, M., Casey, J. A., & Nolan, C. 2012 English
”Digital safety for young people: Gathering information, creating new models and understanding existing efforts. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 3: Adolescence – an age of opportunity, pp. 50-51. UNICEF.” Safety Maclay, C., Beger G., Gasser, U., & Palfrey, J. 2011 English
“Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy.” Privacy Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Lenhart, A., & Duggan, M. 2012 English
“Teens, Social Media, and Privacy.” Privacy Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. 2013 English
“Teens and Mobile Apps Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.” Privacy Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. 2013 English
”Cornerstones of law libraries for an era of digital-plus. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2010-4.” General Palfrey, J. 2010 English
”The Challenge of Developing Effective Public Policy on the Use of Social Media by Youth. The Future of Digital Communications: Policy Perspectives. Time Warner Cable Reseach Program on Digital Communications.” General Palfrey, J. 2010 English
”Cyber-bullying and a Student’s Suicide: Solutions Beyond the Law. New York Times.” Safety Palfrey, J. 2010 English
”Enhancing child safety and online technologies: Final report of the Internet safety technical task force to the multi-state working group on social networking of state attorneys general of the United States. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.” Safety Palfrey, J., boyd, d., & Sacco, D. 2010 English
”Born digital: Understanding the first generation of Digital Natives. New York: Basic Books.” General Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. 2008 English
”Reclaiming an awkward term: What we might learn from “Digital Natives.” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 7(1), 33-55.” General Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. 2011 English
”Response to FCC notice of inquiry 09-94: Empowering parents and protecting children in an evolving media landscape.” General Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., & boyd, d. 2010 English
”Digital natives and the three divides to bridge. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 1: The emerging generation, pp. 14-15. UNICEF.” General Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Maclay, C., & Beger, G. 2011 English

Publications List

Jump to publications by Urs Gasser | by Sandra Cortesi

boyd, d., Gasser, U., & Palfrey, J. (2010). How the COPPA, as implemented, is misinterpreted by the public: A research perspective.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Youth and online news: Reflections and perspectives.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2015). Youth online and news: A phenomenological view on diversity. International Journal of Communication, 9

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Digitally connected: Global perspectives on youth and digital media

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., Aricak, O. T., Saldaña, M., & Lerner, Z. (2014). Youth perspectives on tech in schools: From mobile devices to restrictions and monitoring.

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., & Beaton, M. (2013, October 18). Youth news perceptions and behaviors online: How youth access and share information in a Chicago community affected by gang violence. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2013-19.

Gasser, U. (2008). Fuelling creativity, access to knowledge and the public domain: Looking at the case of Digital Native. OECD Ministerial Meeting, Stakeholder Forum, Seoul 2008.

Gasser, U. (2009). Surfen macht schlau. Frankfurter Allgemeine.

Gasser, U. (2014). Taking children seriously: A call for the enhanced engagement on children in the discourse on digital rights. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Gasser, U., & Cortesi, S. (forthcoming / 2017). Children’s rights and digital technologies: Introduction to the discourse and some meta-observations. In M. D. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali, & M. Freeman (Eds.), Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., & Gerlach, J. (2012). Kinder und Jugendliche im Internet. Risiken und Interventionsmöglichkeiten. Mit einem Beitrag zur digitalen Didaktik von Peter Gasser. Bern: hep verlag.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M., & Lee, A. (2010). Information quality, youth, and media: A research update. Youth Media Reporter.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M., & Lee, A. (2012). Youth and digital media: From credibility to information quality. Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Gasser, U., Maclay, C., & Palfrey, J. (2010). Working towards a deeper understanding of digital safety for children and young people in developing nations: An exploratory study by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, in collaboration with UNICEF.

Gasser, U., Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Beaton, M. (2013, November 14). Mapping approaches to news literacy curriculum development: a navigation aid. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 25.

Gasser, U., Palfrey, J., Cortesi, S., Gerlach, J., Baumann, P., & Tamo, A. (2010). Umfeldmonitoring: Risiken und Gefahren im Internet für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Volksschule. Studie zuhanden des Erziehungs, Kultur- und Umweltschutzdepartements des Kantons Graubünden.

Lenhart, A., Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., & Smith, A. (2013, August 15). Where Teens Seek Privacy Advice. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Levy, N., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Crowley, E., Beaton, M., Casey, J. A., & Nolan, C. (2012). Bullying in a Networked Era: A Literature Review. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2012-17.

Lombana-Bermudez, A. (2016) “Promises and Challenges of After-School Programs in the Digital Age: The Case of the Cinematic Arts Project and Latino/Hispanic Youth in Austin, Texas.” In Journal of Digital and Media Literacy, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1-2.

Maclay, C., Beger G., Gasser, U., & Palfrey, J. (2011, February). Digital safety for young people: Gathering information, creating new models and understanding existing efforts. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 3: Adolescence – an age of opportunity, pp. 50-51. UNICEF.

Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Lenhart, A., & Duggan, M. (2012, November 20). Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. (2013, May 21). Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 22). Teens and Mobile Apps Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Duggan, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 15). Teens and Technology 2013. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, October 18). The challenges of defining ‘news literacy’. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2013-20.

Marwick, A. E., Murgia-Diaz, D., & Palfrey, J. (2010). Youth, privacy and reputation (literature review). Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2010-5.

Palfrey, J. (2010). Cornerstones of law libraries for an era of digital-plus. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2010-4.

Palfrey, J. (2010). The Challenge of Developing Effective Public Policy on the Use of Social Media by Youth. The Future of Digital Communications: Policy Perspectives. Time Warner Cable Reseach Program on Digital Communications.

Palfrey, J. (October 1, 2010). Cyber-bullying and a Student’s Suicide: Solutions Beyond the Law. New York Times.

Palfrey, J., boyd, d., & Sacco, D. (2010). Enhancing child safety and online technologies: Final report of the Internet safety technical task force to the multi-state working group on social networking of state attorneys general of the United States. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born digital: Understanding the first generation of Digital Natives. New York: Basic Books.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2009). Mastering multitasking. Educational Leadership, 66(6), 14-19.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2011). Reclaiming an awkward term: What we might learn from “Digital Natives.” In M. Thomas (Ed.), Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young people, technology, and the new literacies (pp. 186-204). New York and London: Routledge.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2011). Reclaiming an awkward term: What we might learn from “Digital Natives.” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 7(1), 33-55.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., & boyd, d. (2010). Response to FCC notice of inquiry 09-94: Empowering parents and protecting children in an evolving media landscape.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., & boyd, d. (2010). Response to OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy draft paper, “The Protection of Children Online: Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect them,” by Kristina Irion.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Maclay, C., & Beger, G. (2011, February). Digital natives and the three divides to bridge. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 1: The emerging generation, pp. 14-15. UNICEF.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Simun, M., & Barnes, R. (2010). Youth, creativity, and copyright in the digital age. International Journal of Learning and Media, 1(2), 79-97.

Reich, J., Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., & Gasser, U. (2014, January 14). Evaluation in context: Reflections on how to measure success of your ‘WNM’ program. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2014-4.

Urs Gasser

For earlier publications, please see: WWW

boyd, d., Gasser, U. & Palfrey, J. (2010). How the COPPA, as implemented, is misinterpreted by the public: A research perspective.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Youth and online news: Reflections and perspectives.

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2015). Youth online and news: A phenomenological view on diversity. International Journal of Communication, 9

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (Eds.). (2015). Digitally connected: Global perspectives on youth and digital media

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., Aricak, O. T., Saldaña, M., & Lerner, Z. (2014). Youth perspectives on tech in schools: From mobile devices to restrictions and monitoring.

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., Gasser, U., & Beaton, M. (2013, October 18). Youth News Perceptions and Behaviors Online: How Youth Access and Share Information in a Chicago Community Affected by Gang Violence.Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2013-19.

Gasser, U. (2008). Fuelling creativity, access to knowledge and the public domain: Looking at the case of Digital Native. OECD Ministerial Meeting, Stakeholder Forum, Seoul 2008.

Gasser, U. (2009). Surfen macht schlau. Frankfurter Allgemeine.

Gasser, U. (2014). Taking children seriously: A call for the enhanced engagement on children in the discourse on digital rights. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Gasser, U. (2010). Die Generation Internet ist besser als ihr Ruf. Was die älteren Generationen von den „digital natives“ lernen können. In Gaschke, S., Gasser, U., Glaser, P., Hasler, L., Hohler, F., Heuer, S., Horx, M., Kahl, R., Kricheldorf, R., Landolf, D., Moorstedt, T., Roten, M., Rötzer, F., Schneider, P., Trojanow, I. & Zweifel, S., HOME. Willkommen im digitalen Leben (Seitenzahl). Lenzburg: Stapferhaus Lenzburg.

Gasser, U. (2010). Generation Internet. They’re young, they’re networked and they were born into a world of computers. What we can learn from Digital Natives. BMW Magazine, 1, 64-68.

Gasser, U., & Cortesi, S. (forthcoming / 2017). Children’s rights and digital technologies: Introduction to the discourse and some meta-observations. In M. D. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali, & M. Freeman (Eds.), Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., & Gerlach, J. (2012). Kinder und Jugendliche im Internet. Risiken und Interventionsmöglichkeiten. Mit einem Beitrag zur digitalen Didaktik von Peter Gasser. Bern: hep verlag.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M. & Lee, A. (2010). Information quality, youth, and media: A research update. Youth Media Reporter.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., Malik, M., & Lee, A. (2012). Youth and digital media: From credibility to information quality. Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Gasser, U., Cortesi, S., & Palfrey, J. (2011, forthcoming). The changing role of the individual for privacy: The example of youth online. December 2010 submission to OECD.

Gasser, U., Maclay, C. & Palfrey, J. (2010). Working towards a deeper understanding of digital safety for children and young people in developing nations: An exploratory study by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, in collaboration with UNICEF.

Gasser, U., Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Beaton, M. (2013, November 14). Mapping approaches to news literacy curriculum development: a navigation aid. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 25.

Gasser, U., Palfrey, J., Cortesi, S., Gerlach, J., Baumann, P. & Tamo, A. (2010). Umfeldmonitoring: Risiken und Gefahren im Internet für Schülerinnen und Schüler der Volksschule. Studie zuhanden des Erziehungs, Kultur- und Umweltschutzdepartements des Kantons Graubünden.

Lenhart, A., Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., & Smith, A. (2013, August 15). Where Teens Seek Privacy Advice. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Levy, N., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Crowley, E., Beaton, M., Casey, J. A., & Nolan, C. (2012). Bullying in a Networked Era: A Literature Review. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2012-17.

Maclay, C., Beger G., Gasser, U., & Palfrey, J. (2011, February). Digital safety for young people: Gathering information, creating new models and understanding existing efforts. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 3: Adolescence – an age of opportunity, pp. 50-51. UNICEF.

Madden, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Lenhart, A., & Duggan, M. (2012, November 20). Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. (2013, May 21). Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 22). Teens Mobile Apps Privacy. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Duggan, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, August 15). Teens and Technology. Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Malik, M., Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U. (2013, October 18). The Challenges of Defining ‘News Literacy’. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2013-20.

Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. (2008). Born digital: Understanding the first generation of Digital Natives. New York: Basic Books.

Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. (2009). Mastering multitasking. Educational Leadership, 66(6), 14-19.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2011). Reclaiming an awkward term: What we might learn from “Digital Natives.” In M. Thomas (Ed.), Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young people, technology, and the new literacies (pp. 186-204). New York and London: Routledge.

Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2011). Reclaiming an awkward term: What we might learn from “Digital Natives.” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 7(1), 33-55.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U. & boyd, d. (2010). Response to FCC notice of inquiry 09-94: Empowering parents and protecting children in an evolving media landscape.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U. & boyd, d. (2010). Response to OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy draft paper, “The Protection of Children Online: Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect them,” by Kristina Irion.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Maclay, C. & Beger, G. (2011, February). Digital natives and the three divides to bridge. In The State of the World’s Children 2011, Chapter 1: The emerging generation, pp. 14-15. UNICEF.

Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Simun, M., & Barnes, R. (2010). Youth, creativity, and copyright in the digital age. International Journal of Learning and Media, 1(2), 79-97.

Reich, J., Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., & Gasser, U. (2014, January 14). Evaluation in context: Reflections on how to measure success of your ‘WNM’ program. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2014-4.